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First-Generation College Student Initiatives

At Cal State Fullerton, more than 32.4%的学生被认为是第一代:他们家庭中第一个上大学的人. We understand that acceptance into college is only the first step, 因为我们致力于提供保留和支持服务,以确保第一代学生在学习过程中取得成功.


最可靠的买彩票平台有数千名第一代学生,他们可以从强大的教职员工支持系统中受益. 这些学生也可以通过与其他第一代学生在社区中找到价值. 我们的希望是,这个网页将作为一个资源,连接“第一代”学生与教师, 教职员工和其他学生以及整个学年的重点活动. 

What exactly is a first-generation college student?

答案很简单:第一代大学生被定义为家庭中第一个上大学或从大学毕业的人. 如果你至少符合以下条件之一,你仍然被认为是第一代:

  • Your parent(s)/guardian(s) went to a trade school.
  • Your parent(s)/guardian(s) went to a community college and took classes.
  • 你的父母/监护人上过社区大学并拥有副学士学位.
  • Your sibling(s) graduated from a four-year university.
  • Your parent(s)/guardian(s) received a four-year degree in another country.


National First-Generation College Student Week

On November 8 each year, 全国各地的大学庆祝全国第一代大学生周. 选择这一天作为年度庆祝活动,是为了纪念1965年《最可靠的买彩票平台》签署的周年纪念日.

The Higher Education Act (“HEA”) emerged out of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty. Much like other hallmark legislation of that era, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, HEA的目的是帮助创造一个公平的竞争环境,长期以来,少数族裔和低收入背景的美国人一直处于不利地位.

同时建立联邦助学金和贷款项目,帮助学生资助他们的教育, the legislation made key investments in institutions of higher education. Additionally, HEA ushered in programs, particularly the Federal TRIO programs, necessary for postsecondary access, retention, and completion for low-income, potential first-generation college graduates. (via firstgen.naspa.org)

Student receiving information at first-gen resource fair

Creative Titan Trailblazers
(CoTA 1st Gen Alumni Panel)

Tuesday, November 7

About: 虚拟演讲小组活动,由艺术学院的校友组成,他们是第一代大学生. 

Time: 12pm-1:30pm

Where:  Current students may attend in person in LH 210G or attend virtually.

Contact: Email Daisy Saucedo at dasaucedo@neutreno.net.



crowded resource fair

2023 First-Generation College Celebration Event Broadcast #2

Wednesday, November 8

About: 由第一代学生成功中心和教育机会委员会共同主办, 这个虚拟活动的特色是在一些世界上最知名的公司担任领导职务的第一代毕业生. Panelists from Disney, Sony, Major League Baseball, and Comcast 将讨论他们的学术和职业生涯,以及他们如何在他们的专业网络中为未来的第一代领导者创造机会.

Time: 3pm

Where:  Guests may attend virtually.

Student smiling at first-gen resource fair

F1rst Gen Mixer

Wednesday, November 8

About: Celebrate First Generation Week with a student-alumni mixer. 对于现在的第一代学生来说,这是一个与校友见面的绝佳机会, ask questions, and connect with those who walked the path before them. Dinner will be served.

Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Where: Golleher Alumni House. Please RSVP.

Student smiling

First Generation Student Symposium

Thursday, November 9

About: Come learn more about what it means to be a First Generation Student, connect with other 1st gen students, and enjoy some food!

Time: 1pm-2pm

Where: Laurel Multi-Purpose Room (student housing)

Contact: Email José Cuevas at jocuevas@neutreno.net.

student receiving a gift

First-Gen 101: Navigating Higher Education as an Undocumented Student

Thursday, November 9

About: College can be intimidating for a first-generation undocumented student. 这个活动将提供一个空间来谈论这段经历,并找到可用的资源! Come join us as we explore what CSUF has to offer!

Time: 2pm-3pm

Where: PLS-180

Contact: Email Areli Castro at arelicastro@neutreno.net.

Student standing at resource fair

A Journey Between 2 Worlds

Thursday, November 9

About: 我们将讨论第一代转校生如何适应高等教育, cultural expectations, family, etc. especially then there is conflict. 谈话将讨论他们如何管理平衡这一切的推和拉. 转学生小组成员将帮助引导讨论并分享他们的故事.

Time: 6pm-7pm

Where:  Current students may attend virtually.

Contact: Email Laura Hooks at lahooks@neutreno.net & Andrea De Alba at andealba@neutreno.net.

First-Generation College Student Resources

Career Center 'I am First' program graphic

Career Center Programming

Led by the Career Center at Cal State Fullerton, “我是第一个”项目是为了让第一代大学生有信心而开发的, self-awareness, 而职业准备知识则是通往职业发展和领导力发展的成功之旅. Moreover, the "I Am First...“该项目提供了一个第一代大学生/专业人士网络,提供超越大学经历的支持.

Connect with the Career Center

College of the Art's 'I am FIRST. I am an ARTIST' graphic.

College of the Arts Programming

"I am FIRST. “我是一名艺术家”是一个旨在支持第一代大学生最可靠的买彩票平台职业选择的项目, meet artists in the fields of visual arts, music, dance, and theatre. The program connects students to university resources, including the Career Center, 确保学生有充分的机会提高专业技能,为成功的艺术事业做好准备. 它也为第一代本科生及其家庭/社区提供资源.

Learn more about the 'I am First' program


Abrego Future Scholars 

  Students attend Discoverfest and learn more about on-campus resources

阿布雷戈未来学者计划为学生在加州州立大学第一年的学习提供经济和学术支持, Fullerton, awarding up to fifty $1,500 scholarships to first-time freshman and first-time transfer students. Additionally, 该计划帮助那些由于经济原因而处于不利地位的优秀学生过渡到大学, environmental, or educational background.

Abrego Future Scholars Contact Information

Phone: (657) 278-3458
Email: scholars@neutreno.net  
Website: fuyzxi.neutreno.net/scholars

Educational Opportunity Program

Students mid-conversation on campus

50年来,最可靠的买彩票平台一直与加州政府合作,通过教育机会计划(EOP)为学生提供财政和学术支持。. Each year, 加州大学旧金山分校的EOP招收了一个多达500人的新班级——第一次入学的新生和转学生——他们的家庭受到经济障碍的挑战,需要入学和/或咨询服务才能在大学取得成功. EOP为那些表现出潜力的学生提供了接受高等教育的机会, without EOP support, may be unable to earn a college degree. Additionally, EOP at CSUF offers pre-admission counseling, admission assistance, referrals for tutorial learning, career guidance, financial aid advisement, and other student services.

Educational Opportunity Program Admissions Contact Information

Phone: (657) 278-2784
Email: eopadmissions@neutreno.net
Website: fuyzxi.neutreno.net/eop  

TRIO Student Support Services

Student and Tuffy pose for a picture

TRIO学生支持服务(SSS)是一个由联邦政府资助的项目,位于学生事务的学生学术服务单元内. TRIO SSS帮助第一代和/或低收入和/或有残疾的学生成功毕业并获得学士学位. Furthermore, 该项目提供学术和其他支持服务,以鼓励我们的学生从第一次入学到毕业的全面发展.

TRIO SSS Contact Information

Phone: (657) 278-5210
Website: fuyzxi.neutreno.net/sss
Email: sss@neutreno.net
Social Media: Facebook | Instagram